Individual sessions
Developing a sporting mind:
If you're struggling to believe in your potential, get over a bad result, your nerves ruin your performance, or you just don't know why you can't perform to your best on event day be rest assured you can learn how to unlearnthese unhelpful behaviours. You can be shown how to focus and strengthen your mental and emotional resources.
Head First has come about from the work that Alice has done for years as pragmatic no messing therapist and her personal and professional interest in the mental challenges of seemingly purely physical pursuits. As a qualified Sports Performance Mind Coach and experienced Sports psychology hypnotherapist Alice can also help in rapid results focused mind training.
Feeding from her broad experience in positive psychology, hypnosis and optimal performance visualisation, sports performance mind coaching can help you no matter what level you play at or how old you are (9-90+) to maximise your performance potential in both training and competition.
Sessions are tailored to the individual and for outcomes your sport demands. Head First mind coaching works for all sporting backgrounds, from shooting, darts, lawn bowls, gymnastics, ice skating, football, rugby, cricket, motor sports, track athletics, to endurance athletes, golf, equine pursuits, martial arts, boxing, racquet sports etc.
Get out of your own way:
Get over event day nerves ruining your enjoyment,
performance or stopping you taking part at all
Develop self belief and confidence in your potential
Quit talking yourself out of training, trying something
new, or going to the next level
Learn how to maximise injury recovery and fatigue
management after hard bouts of training
Resolve bad match 'hangovers' that stop you
performing at your best now
Reach your racing, or fighting weight easier
Learn how to goal set and motivate yourself
long term using positive processing
Learn how to get into the zone, manage hard effort discomfort and use proven positive performance enhancing techniques such as visualisation and rehearsal effectively
Areas commonly worked on:
Concentration and focus
Commitment and motivation
Confidence and self belief development
Control enhancement
Copy with pressure
Fear of failure
Will and visualisation training
Self sabotage cycle breaking
Mind over body training
Discomfort management
Goal setting and positive achievement processing
Fear and nerve management
Peak state training - getting into the zone
Bad match processing
Injury, Recovery and fatigue improvers
Weight management
One point at a time focus
Active relaxation
Elite Mental Wellness
One controlling thing in common
We all have one controlling aspect in common - the mind. We never get taught how to manage our thinking and although we put lots of effort into doing things to our level best in life we neglect to maintain, tidy, or upgrade our thinking systems. Training your body is simple - but getting your mind to tally with your desired outcomes takes a little more finesse as there are many potential potholes on your road to achievment.
Train your mindset to work FOR you, not against you. Sports psychology works on event day and training issues but also deals with peripheral life issues that may get in the way of peak performance. We all possess the ability to change they way we think. You just (probably) don’t know how to do it...yet!
session costs:
Your initial consult is free of charge and is a 30 min phone or video call chat where we discuss your challenges and objectives and in fullness.
Online Working sessions last about 50 minutes and are
via Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp or similar. Sessions are
supported by full notes and audios sent after each session.
Pay as you go £85
Course of 4 £320
Course of 6 £450
To secure your appointment the session fee is required to be paid by balance transfer, Paypal or credit/debit card via e-invoice.
Face to face clinic sessions are available at
Private GP Services, Chesterwell Plaza, Leda Way
Colchester, Essex, C04 6EE
Pay as you go £125
Course of 4 £480
Course of 6 £690
Cancellations: Sessions to be paid for by balance transfer, or credit/debit card by e-invoice upon booking.
Cancellations: Please note 24 hours notice of cancellation is required by email, text, or phone in order to qualify for a full refund. You will be charged for your session if no notification of cancellation is received. Missed appointments and late cancellations represent a cost to Head First and their other clients who could have been seen in the time set aside for you. Failure to provide us with 24 hours advance notice or failure to present for a scheduled appointment will result in a cancellation or no show fee. This fee will reflect the cost of your appointment. It is understandable that sometimes cancellations can not be helped due to illness or emergency and we will take all valid circumstances into account.
Expert Essex based and online Sports Psychology from sports mind coach and therapist Alice Pinion.